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Staying Compliant with Cal/OSHA: The Updated First Aid Kit Standards

Cal/OSHA is a State program that enforces laws and regulations to protect the health and safety of workers. The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) Standard 3400 outlines the essential items that must be included in a general industry first aid kit. The list is tailored to the number of employees working at a location (see below).

Emergency response training for construction companies meeting

Enhancing Construction Site Safety: The Essential Guide to Workplace Safety

An unexpected slip, a moment’s distraction, and the site is thrust into chaos as a worker falls, severely injured. In this critical moment, the difference between preparedness and negligence becomes starkly evident.

kids playing soccer

Ensuring Youth Sports Safety: The Importance of Precautions and Life-Saving Equipment

From minor injuries like sprains and strains to more severe emergencies such as sudden cardiac arrest, being proactive about safety measures is paramount.

3 Ways to Give Breath During CPR

When it comes to life-saving CPR skills, understanding how to provide ventilations is essential. In this post, we’ll talk about the different methods for delivering breaths during CPR, ensuring you’re well-prepared to act in an emergency.

Farmland covered in snow

Frostbite: The Undercover Danger of Winter

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Jack Frost is nipping at your nose,” but the seriousness of Frostbite is not to be taken lightly! Frostbite is a serious injury that is caused when the most vulnerable parts of the body are exposed to freezing temperatures for too long.

People tapping glasses together at party

The Dangers of Alcohol Use: Navigating New Year’s Eve Hazards

By understanding the risks, recognizing the signs, and committing to responsible consumption, we can transform our relationship with alcohol from a potential hazard to a mindful and enjoyable part of life. Stay informed, stay safe, and cheers to responsible choices.

water being poured on severe arm burn

A Quick Guide to Burns: Treatment Tips, When to Call 911, and Seeking Medical Attention

Burns and fires are a common cause of accidental death in children and adults, and account for an estimated 3,500 adult and child deaths per year! Having a basic understanding of how to treat thermal burns effectively is a valuable emergency preparedness skill.

man tying person's arm to stop bleeding after being hit by car

Saving Lives 101: Essential Life-Saving Techniques for Severe Bleeding

Death from the loss of blood that occurs due to a traumatic injury can occur in less than 5 minutes. Your ability to perform these life-savings technique during the first few minutes could be what makes the difference!

ambulance architecture building business

How to Respond to Life-Threatening Emergencies During the Holidays

Holidays are the time of year when friends and family gather together to celebrate the holidays. It’s also a time of increased chances that someone close to you may have a life-threatening emergency. Being prepared to handle a medical emergency is the key to saving their life.

Cat lying on side

Pet CPR: Tips for Saving Your Furry Friend’s Life in An Emergency

If your pet collapses, do you know what to do? Did you know that you can modify the CPR techniques you learned for humans to save your animal companion’s life?

woman reading a book to the children

The Importance of CPR Training for Teachers

While many people recognize the importance of CPR training for healthcare professionals, it is equally vital for teachers to possess this knowledge and skill set. In educational settings, teachers often find themselves at the forefront of emergencies, where immediate action can make all the difference.

man learning cpr on other person

CPR in the Workplace – the Benefits to Both Employers and Employees

Saving lives isn’t an ability reserved only for those in the medical field. With 10,000 cardiac arrests annually in offices and workplaces in America across all industries, the need for CPR and AED training for workplace employees is critical.

Woman finding a man passed out on ground

5 Basic Emergency Procedures Every Person Should Know

And that’s exactly what makes them so dangerous! But what if YOU were prepared? ​What if you had the basic knowledge needed to handle an emergency situation that allowed you to stay calm and be effective? What if you knew how to prevent further injury and even save a life?

Old man running while listening to music

3 Simple Ways To Prevent a Heart Attack

99% of Americans need to improve their heart health. Why don’t they? Because they think that there is nothing they can do about it. But they are wrong! Your cardiac health is in your hands and there are 3 simple ways you can improve it and prevent heart attacks and other heart-related issues.

medical kit

10 Things You Should Keep in Your First Aid Kit

Saving lives isn’t an ability reserved only for those in the medical field. With 10,000 cardiac arrests annually in offices and workplaces in America across all industries, the need for CPR and AED training for workplace employees is critical.

Person demonstrating cpr outside

Why Learn CPR?

Did you know that 475,000 people in the United States die from cardiac arrest every year? And most of them had no idea what was happening when their symptoms started because they and those around them had never been trained to recognize or treat them quickly and effectively in an emergency.