Why Learn CPR?

Did you know that 475,000 people in the United States die from cardiac arrest every year?

And most of them had no idea what was happening when their symptoms started because they and those around them had never been trained to recognize or treat them quickly and effectively in an emergency.

Brain and tissue death occurs shortly after the heart stops beating and knowing how to prevent that can save a life. This is why CPR is worth learning.

What if there had been someone around who knew how to help?

Woman finding a man passed out on ground

What is CPR?

CPR is a lifesaving procedure that is performed after the heart stops beating, It helps keep blood flowing through the body and intimating CPR early can have a big effect on the outcome of someone in cardiac arrest.

And you don’t have to be a medical professional to learn how to perform this skill!

In fact, lives are often saved by “everyday heroes” that were prepared to help in case of an emergency situation because they took to the time to learn skills they hoped they’d never have to actually use.

Who should know how to perform CPR?

Many non-medical employers either encourage or require staff to be trained in CPR and basic First Aid skills for the safety of both their workers and patrons that use their facilities.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Construction site workers: According to the American Heart Association, most cardiac arrests occur outside of a hospital. About 1 in 5 occur in public, such as at work, a job site, or a public location. Bystander CPR can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival.

School and daycare workers – According to the American Academy of CPR and First Aid, accident rates are higher for children under five years old than any other age group.

Athletic trainers, coaches, lifeguards and yoga instructors: These careers are on the front lines, dealing with athletes on a daily basis. Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death among young athletes, according to the Mayo Clinic, with between one in 50,000 and one in 80,000 deaths per year. (USA Today)

Dentist Offices: According to Decisions in Dentistry.com As oral health professionals, being prepared can spell the difference between life and death for patients experiencing a cardiac emergency in the dental office. More than 383,000 people experience sudden cardiac arrest each year in the United States, and less than 12% survive. This is one of the most frequently seen medical emergencies in the dental office, and clinicians and bystanders have less than five minutes to act before the victim develops permanent neurological damage.

Electricians: According to OSHA,  In the electrical industry, specific people must be certified in CPR if they work on exposed lines or “equipment energized at 50 volts or more.” If there are two or more employees at one location, at least two must be CPR trained. 

Flight attendants: The American Heart Association shares the following: Around the world, about 5 billion people fly commercially each year. When researchers applied the results of their study to those figures, they estimated 2,000 travel-associated cardiac arrests happen globally each year, with 350 in the U.S.

Restaurant Servers: In the restaurant industry accidents occur frequently and can happen quickly this is why it is important for restaurant staff to be ready and trained to perform life saving acts.

Jail and Prison Personnel: In this very dangerous field it is important to be prepared for emergencies, this includes CPR training.

Managers at retail stores and small businesses: Cardiac arrest is the most common medical emergencies therefore if you are working with the public it is important to be prepared.

Secretaries that oversee lobby or common areas: They are the first to greet individuals and may be the only person that they speak to when entering a building. Because they interact so much with the public it is important to be prepared for an emergency situation.

Counselors: In most state CPR training is requires for school counselors.

Security Guards: According to US CPR Online, First aid and CPR training for security guards are advantageous for guards. Being on full-time surveillance, they can take control of emergencies by taking the necessary initiative to save lives.

Social Worker: Due to the wide variety of people that social workers may interact with on a daily basis it is important that they are prepared for a medical emergency and able to act upon it.

Nannies: Nannies are the primary caregiver for children and as we spoke of earlier children are likely to have accidents and medical emergencies, which is why a nanny should be prepared.

Of course, it is also incredibly beneficial for parents, grandparents, babysitters, and students to know how to handle unexpected emergencies too.

That means YOU!

Because Every Second Counts


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1 thought on “Why Learn CPR?”

  1. Pingback: Teaching CPR to Students: The Importance of Incorporating CPR Education in the Curriculum | Golden State CPR

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